MongoDB and its features

MongoDB and its features

MongoDB is an open-source document-based database. It is a trending NoSQL database used in the market right now to develop modern applications. It is written in C++. It works on the concept of collections and documents.

Features of MongoDB

1) Cross Platform 2) Document based 3) High performance 4) Scalability

Collections and Documents

A collection is group of documents. It is similar to the table in a RDBMS database, whereas a document is a set of keys and values, it is similar to the row in RDBMS database.

A sample document of a mongodb collection looks like below:

   _id: ObjectId(3df08ad1902c)
   title: 'MongoDB DB', 
   description: 'MongoDB is no sql database',
   tags: ['mongodb', 'database', 'NoSQL'],
   user_likes: [ 
         like: 51 
         like: 5

Advantages of MongoDB

Schema less: There may not be a schema due to its document-holding pattern.

No joins: There are no complex joins, an inbuilt methods are available to get data from many collections.

Scaling: This database is very easy to scale because it contains JSON.

For more information